Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Rosyie Media Precious Holidaye Reflections and Memoryes

In days of yore, when the holidays came 'round-- when we were but wee lads in the late 70's and early 80's-- we would add to our repertoire of constant one-upmanship the momentarily-jarring farewell . . ."See you next year!" This indispensable bit of yuletide wit was considered genius by all that encountered it, amusing and surprising the speaker and the listener, as both would briefly revel in appropriately childlike amazement that yet another year had passed, and when school once again resumed-- though only a week or two later-- it would, in fact, be. . . the next year. As we grew older, our minds and social skills became more sophisticated. We entered the entertainment business, and our wit evolved beyond simple observational one-liners, into something more complex and universal, to be shared for the benefit of our fellow man. How fitting, then, that our holiday farewell on SNL was shooting a Digital Short revolving around poopy cookies. Observe: Yes, nothing like scatalogical humour to take one right back to boyhood. And like simple schoolboys, we once again found oursleves gleefully using the olde HPX3000 to lay a brief 8 hour shoot onto P2 cards (o, what fine and bully boyish toys!), under the direction of Digital Short Creators Akiva Schaffer and Jorma Taccone. The cast featured SNL host Hugh Laurie and that mischievous rapscallion Fred Armisen, as well as Jason Sudeikis, Kenan Thompson, Will Forte, and featured players Bobby Moynihan, Abby Elliott, and Michaela Watkins. The whole gang was there, under the ever-watchful eye of producers Nick Mallardi and Dina Moles. Once shooting was done,however, we all said our farewells with a wistfully appropriate lack of sentimentality. Indeed, we had all grown up, become those adults so busy, we had nary a moment for a boyish jab or childish quip. There were pressing rehearsals, gear to be wrapped, poopy cookie shorts to be edited. There was no time for childish things. And as we left 30 Rock, we couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness for days gone by. There are no more schoolyard partings, no more construction paper holiday cards. Ours is now a staid and austere world of cold hard labour-- of poopy cookies and blogging. So it is here, in our blog, that we make a last grasp at fleeting youth and the special childhood magic of the holiday season to say: Thanks, SNL. See you next year. See you. . . next year.

1 comment:

Dan Walter said...

I actually did try a cookie as we were wrapping... Did anyone else? ...I thought they were pretty good...and no adverse effects!